Complaints Policy | true student

Our Brand Promise

True is committed to delivering great service at all times. However, we accept that there may be times when we don’t get things right first time. We therefore take a positive and constructive approach to complaints, and regularly review our service and accommodation to ensure it meets the standards our customers expect. True will always endeavour to resolve any complaints in the shortest possible timeframe, in a professional manner, and with the view of reaching a satisfactory conclusion for both parties. As a result of any complaints, true may review and make changes and improvements accordingly. Our complaints procedure is open to anyone who is affected by our operations. This includes residents, neighbours and other service users.


How to make a complaint

We encourage you to raise any complaint in person at our welcome hub. Our teams will always attempt to resolve your complaint at this point. If this is not possible, your complaint will be dealt with in accordance with the process below. All complaints must be made directly to the site that you have been dealing with. Any complaints that are sent to our support centre will be redirected to the relevant site for them to investigate in the first instance.


Complaints process:

Stage one:

  • Please make your initial complaint to reception either in person, by email or in writing. We will endeavour to resolve your complaint within 48 hours of it being made.


Stage two:

  • If the true site team are unable to deal with your initial complaint, it will then be investigated by the site General Manager. Please ensure that the complaint is made in writing to the Manager. From here, we will endeavour to provide a written response to complaints within 7 days of receipt.
  • If you do not believe that your complaint has been treated fairly by the Manager, the complaint can then be escalated to Stage Three. However, you must state why you believe that the complaint has not been dealt with fairly.

Stage three

  • At stage three, your complaint will be investigated by our Regional Operations Manager, or if necessary, the Managing Director. We will endeavour to provide a written response within 7 days of receiving your complaint.
  • Once the Regional Operations Manager or Managing Director has investigated your complaint, the outcome is final and the matter will be regarded as closed as far as this procedure is concerned. If you do not receive the answer you expected or had hoped for, this does not mean the complaint is unresolved.

If the subject of your complaint is covered under the ANUK National Code of Standards, you may submit your complaint through their complaints procedure. Please remember that the code complaints procedure can only be used for issues that are covered by the code.


More details can be found on the ANUK Code.