International Yoga Day: Finding Serenity With Furry Friends | true

International Yoga Day: Finding Serenity With Furry Friends

Posted 21 Jun 2023

International Yoga Day: Finding Serenity in the Company of Furry Friends


As university students, we often find ourselves navigating the challenges of academic life, while also striving to maintain a healthy work-life balance. With the pressures of exams, assignments, and the constant pursuit of success, it's crucial to find ways to unwind and take care of our mental well-being. In honour of International Yoga Day, we'd like to introduce you to a unique and heartwarming initiative that is bringing smiles and relief to Liverpool University students: dog therapy events hosted by true student.


Unleashing Happiness: Dog Therapy Events


Imagine taking a break from your hectic university schedule and being greeted by a wagging tail, wet nose, and the unconditional love of furry friends. That's exactly what's happening at true Liverpool, where students are coming together to relax and bond with the canine stress-busters. The events, organised in collaboration with Therapy Dogs Nationwide, a renowned charity offering dog therapy across the UK, are part of true student Liverpool's commitment to fostering a supportive community and promoting well-being activities for young people.


Meet the Pawsitive Squad: Lemmy, Paddy, and Friends


Among the adorable four-legged participants stealing the limelight are Lemmy, a three-year-old golden retriever, and his canine companions. Lemmy recently joined the therapy dog group in Liverpool and has been spreading happiness and joy among the students. Whether it's tummy rubs, cuddles, or simply having a playful interaction, Lemmy and the gang are here to make every student's day a little brighter.


The Benefits of Animal Assisted Therapies (AAT)


According to event coordinators Peter and Clare, the positive impact of Animal Assisted Therapies (AAT) on mental well-being is well-documented. Numerous studies have shown that spending time with animals can lead to improvements in general health and well-being, increased confidence levels, and reduced stress and anxiety. The bond formed between humans and animals can provide a sense of comfort, companionship, and a much-needed break from the pressures of university life.


From Stress Relief to Feeling at Home


Rakeesh, one of the students who had the opportunity to interact with the therapy dogs, shared his experience, "It's truly a happy feeling when I play with the dogs. The moment true organised the dog therapy, I felt excited, and when I played with them, it relieved my stress. A dog is always a man's best friend." Rakeesh's sentiment echoes the sentiments of many others who have found solace and comfort in the presence of these furry companions.


Dominique Thompson, a mental health expert at true student, highlights the unique challenges that young people face when it comes to mental health, particularly during the transition to university life. She explains, "Bonding with animals can be a great way to boost serotonin and dopamine (the feel-good hormones!), have fun and play, and switch off from overthinking or anxiety. Some students also miss their family pet when they go away to university, so experiences like this can really make them feel at home."


International Yoga Day: Embracing Holistic Well-being


As we celebrate International Yoga Day, let us recognise the power of finding serenity in unexpected places. The dog therapy events at true Liverpool serve as a reminder that holistic well-being encompasses more than just physical exercise and meditation. It encompasses the connections we forge, the moments of joy we share, and the simple acts of kindness that bring light to our lives.


So, on this International Yoga Day, take a moment to embrace the joy, love, and laughter that furry friends bring. Whether it's participating in dog therapy events, cuddling up with your own pet, or simply appreciating the beauty of animals, let their presence remind you to take care of your mental well-being, find moments of respite, and create lasting bonds with those around you.


If you’re looking to learn more about the benefits of yoga and how you can get started, check out our recent blog: Benefits Of Yoga For Students. Namaste!

Posted 21 Jun 2023